Just Ko – Victory Pose September 17, 2020 On the top of Steve, KO showing her ciseled biceps and doing her victory pose!
Amber Supremacy – Lift And Carry November 5, 2019 Starring 200 lbs Amazon Amber De Luca lifting Steve...
Just Ko – Lift And Carry 1 October 11, 2018 She doesnt care about the 165 lbs of Steve... Lifting him even on one leg is not a problem...!
Nicole – Feat Of Strength – Arm Wrestling July 20, 2017 Left arm, right arm, Steve is in trouble! Hell try to beat Nicole using his both arms... Guess what ?
Maria’s Lift Carry Performance – Clip 01 December 6, 2016 First part of the video. Short posing, piggy back with calf raise and squats! Length is 3. 30 mns.
Alina – Feat Of Strength – Pinning And Posing October 25, 2016 Alina pinning Steve while flexing her muscles, front and back...