The boy begs for the girls not to kick him too hard! Chanel asks if hes scared! Chloe encourages her friend to give him a hard kick! Chanel gives him a few light taps to start things off! Her friend Chloe comes in strong without warning kicking him hard in the nuts! He moans to the ground in pain as the girls burst out laughing! Stay down! They warn him! Get on your knees! The girls hold him down as he attempts to squirm away! Chloe gives him another hard shot between the legs! Before he could get up Chloe this time throws a hard kick knocking him to the floor once more! The girls slap his ass and taunt him before they both kick him in the nuts at the same time! Chloe sits on his back riding and slapping his butt like she would a pony! Chanel throws a few kicks to his nuts as her friend rides him knocking him to the floor! The girls ask him if hes had enough! Chanel then gives him one of her hardest kicks, sending him to the ground once more in pain! He cant take anymore so he gets up and runs off screen! He doesnt escape them for long! The girls order him to hold the camera as they both close in and begin kicking! The girls laugh calling him a bitch! 1, 2, 3, GO! Chloe says counting down before they kick him in the nuts at the same time again! One more? K, get on your knees! Chanel tells him! Both girls begin stomping down on his nuts with their heels! He grunts in pain falling over with the camera! The girls take the camera and begin filming the fun! Chloe steps on him like a worn and begins trampling him under her heels! On the balls bitch! Chloe says standing with both heels over his groin! Chloe stands on his skinny body telling him to look at her as he suffers while Chanels stepping on his groin! Hi! Chanel says stomping down on his groin! In the end he gets up and wrestles the camera off them! clip time 3:39 UNEDITED AND RAW! CHANEL AND CHLOE ROCK!