Slave Skippy must stand just on the wall. Yvonne and Lea come towards him. Use his mouth as a spittoon for her Zielspucken first Yvonne at once. Then send him Lea on the knees. Skippy kneels in front of the two young Ladies and then becomes alternately angespuckt of them. It mercilessly and again and again is to spat from all sides. You pack it at the hair, spit for it into the face and into the mouth. It must hers spits swallow and say how well it likes this. Skippy always suffers more and its face is already quite white. For the two sadists Yvonne and Lea but not enough. These enjoy to see it, it degraded so and want the last remains in its face also to spit. Which more out he sees nothing at all spit you finally also the ears and the eyes to, because of it spits.