So, youve been waiting patiently for me in the car while I was hiking for a couple of hours? Well, Ill give you a hiking experience now... just a different one... one more suitable for a slave :-D Come on, lay down in the dirt next to the car - Im going to trample all over you now! Do you see the deep tread on the hard rubber boot soles? I know the edges are really sharp... but they leave behind such nice marks on human skin! Can you handle it if I stand on your face with my full weight?! Not that I really care... youll just have to endure it somehow anyway :-D Maybe Ill even stomp or jump on your face?! Lets see how playful I feel today :-D.
Lady In Black Leather Bootsvertical View Watch a nice posing clip with this Lady.She wears a wicked italian high heel ...
Scented Boots And Sweaty Nylons Ugh, I have to get out of these boots. My feet are so warm and theyre so sweaty ...
Noodles Crushing In Ballerinas Hunderts of raw noodles and an annoyed lady waits in this clip for you! Listen ...
Bullwhip Part Two The long awaited 2nd Part is now the first to get the second part of my Bullwhip ...
Many Cigs Crushed Under Christin Christin is working in the kitchen. She is wearing her 7 Sandals and crush many ...
Marissa’s First Experience – Hi... WoW! Heres finally Marissas First Experience! I thought she would be shy or ...
Craving Juicy Ass Worshipping your Goddesses ass has never been so hot and steamy. On your knees ...
Crushing Hay crushing hay with 20cm highheels and naked foot.
Strumpfhosen Junkee Ach herje, Stumpfhosen! Ein leidiges Thema fr Suchtis wie dich. Suchtis die ...
Zerwichs Die Nylons Hauchzarte und fast nicht sprbare Nylons um schmiegen meine Gttinnenbeine und du ...