Burning up the screen are Mistress Bianca and Andrea, who team with one of the most fiery female flame-throwers known to man Mistress Kaitlynn in order to deal with 3 hungover retards who crashed the girls party the night before. These guys would have been better off heading to Alabama with Lynyrd Skynyrd sucks written on their forehead. The breath deprivation decathlon starts in earnest right after the fade in as Kaitlynn leads the girls in a rousing game of smother jeopardy Ill take known facts for 200 Alex The clue is pass out from lack of oxygen what is whats going to happen to me after I piss Kaitlynn off? Give that man a hand and tell him whats hes won Johnny! s won an all expense paid trip to blackout land, courtesy of Kaitlynns ass.