A faint laughter can be heard the moment Gen steps up on Walters body in heels! She steps on his throat giggling, as her heel digs into his neck! She joyfully watches his reactions as she presses her foot down ch0king him! Gen removes her feels now so she can feel his body and neck squish beneath her feet! Again she steps down on his throat! Teasing him with her foot she then steps over his mouth, smothering him under her foot! You can see by the smile on her face shes taking great pleasure torturing him! She goes for the throat once again! As she adds more weight down on his throat she notices his feet begin to kick, causing her to laugh and giggle. She even appologizes to him for enjoying herself so much! Gen continues to step and stand on his throat as she films the action! Walter tells her he thinks hes about to pass out soon! She laughs and asks him if its ok if she continues to film even after he passes out! Walter tells her sure, go ahead as she remains standing on his neck! He plays ded and tries to fool her, but she feels him slightly moving beneath her feet! He begins looking for his remote to pause the shoot but its out of his reach and she wont get off his throat! SHE TRULY ENJOYS STEPPING ON HIS THROAT AND WATCHING HIM SQUIRM BENEATH HER FEET! VERY HOT! clip language: frenchenglish.